Murder of Crows Second Edition


Murder of Crows at a Glance

  • A fast-paced set collection game for two to five players.
  • Spell the word "MURDER" with your cards to learn how the deadly deed was committed.
  • Each letter card has a special ability when played, and Wild Crow cards are wild.

A Murder Most Fowl: The World of Murder of Crows

Uncover a murder by revealing six cards that describe the deadly deed and spell the word MURDER. But take care that your opponents can't do the same -- steal their letters, counter their actions, or call on a waiting Wild Crow to influence the murder before they do! At any moment a well-played card can shift the balance and seal someone's fate.

With evocative, atmospheric art courtesy of Dungeoneer creator Thomas Denmark, Murder of Crows brings a murder most fowl to your game table!

Birds of a Feather: Gameplay Basics

In Murder of Crows, players work to collect all of the letters to spell "MURDER." Each letter card contains information about the crime at hand — the who, what, where, why, and how.

Each letter played has a special ability. Plan your approach to make the most of additional draws, forced discards, and steals. Discard matching cards — or Wild Crows — to be immune to a special effect.

The first player to complete the word "MURDER" wins the game and tells the story of the murder from their cards.